Sabtu, 10 November 2012

soal & jawaban bahasa inggris kelas 9

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Kelas : IX Jenjang : SMP Negeri 2 Sby Semester : 1 (satu) Nama : A. Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer. 1. Mother : Farah, you had better bring an umbrella. It is going to rain. Farah : But, Mom, it’s not cloudy. Mother : Just in case it suddenly rains. The weather forecast last night said that there is a 70% chance of rain today. Why is mother sure that it will rain? A. It is cloudy. B. It is rainy season. C. She has an ability to predict weather. D. She heard a weather forecast about the chance of rain today. 2. Joan : Sandra, let’s go to the canteen. Sandra : ________ Joan : Let’s go to the canteen. I’ll treat you lunch. Sandra : Sure, I’d love to. Thanks. A. Tell me the truth, please. B. What are we going there for? C. Are you sure? D. Pardon? 3. Maya : Tommy, did you know that Lia’s brother will go abroad to study? Tommy : Um . . . do you mean Rizal? Are you sure about it? Maya : Yeah. Lia told me about it. Tommy : Wow, that’s cool! Maya said, “Yeah. Lia told me about it.” What does it mean? A. She asks for certainty. B. She shows her certainty. C. She asks for a repetition. D. She repeats her words. 4. Rendra : Gita, Chintya is looking for you. Gita : Sorry, who is looking for me? Rendra : Chintya is. I met her in front of your classroom. Who are talking in the dialog? A. Two schoolmates. B. Two classmates. C. Two teachers. D. Two officers. 5. Restu : Mom, the students appointed me the new OSIS chairperson. Mother : Really? Restu : Positive! The Principal announced the result of the election today. Mother : Congratulations! I’m very proud of you. Where does the dialog probably happen? A. At home. B. At school. C. In the classroom. D. In the Principal’s office. Read the text and answer questions 6 and 7. Attention, please. If you have good personality and much knowledge about our town, please join Mas and Mbak Competition. Give your best pose in your photo and submit it to the committee, Jalan Pemuda number 15 before September 1, 2010. Show that you are the best! 6. What is the announcement about? A. A science contest. B. A photograph contest. C. The committee of a contest. D. A personality and beauty contest. 7. “. . . and submit it to the committee, . . . .” The word ‘it’ refers to ________. A. good personality B. knowledge C. the photograph D. the best pose Read the text and answer questions 8 and 9. Here are some tips to keep your fruits and vegetables fresher longer. Keep your fruits and vegetables dry. Moisture causes plant matter to rot faster and in just a few days, mold could be growing on your food. Keep your fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator. The cold temperature of the refrigerator helps to slow the aging process. Don’t purchase more than you need at once. Shop at farmer’s markets. When you shop at a farmer’s market, you will almost always be getting fruits and vegetables that have been picked fresh from the tree, vine or stalk within the last day or two. Don’t pack your fruits and vegetables into containers. Source: February 1, 2010 8. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the text? A. Buy fruits and vegetables not more than we need at once. B. Keep fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator. C. Keep fruits and vegetables moist. D. Buy fruits and vegetables at farmer’s markets. 9. Why should you buy fruits and vegetables at farmer’s markets? Because ________. A. the price will be cheaper B. we will get fresh fruits and vegetables C. we can choose many kinds of fruits and vegetables D. we can bargain the price Read the text and answer questions 10 to 13. Material: a computer liquid crystal screen cleaning set (detergent, fabric cleanser, brush) Directions: 1. Shake up the detergent and put it 15–20 cm away from the LCD screen. 2. Spray on the LCD screen surface directly. 3. Cleanse gently using the fabric cleanser or brush. You can also do the following steps: 1. Spray the detergent on the fabric cleanser. 2. Clean the LCD screen surface to make it as bright as a new one. Adapted from: Computer Liquid Crystal Screen Cleaning Set’s Package. 10. What is the text about? A. How to clean an LCD screen. B. How to use an LCD screen. C. How to use a computer. D. How to use detergent. 11. What should you do to the detergent first? A. Spray it. B. Clean it. C. Put it away. D. Shake it up. 12. Before cleansing the screen surface, you spray the detergent on the screen surface directly or spray it on ________. A. our fingers B. the paper C. the fabric cleanser D. the brush 13. “Cleanse gently using the fabric cleanser or brush.” (Step 3) What is the similar meaning of the word ‘gently’? A. Carefully. B. Harshly. C. Directly. D. Cleanly. 14. Rama : Shinta, which mobile phone do you want to buy? The black mobile phone ________ the red one? Shinta : The black one. A. and B. or C. but D. when 15. Lisa : If I go to the bookstore, ________. Vira : That’s good. I want to have it too. A. I will buy a visual dictionary B. I would buy a visual dictionary C. I would have bought a visual dictionary D. I bought a visual dictionary 16. for – make – you – let – birthday – a – 1 2 3 4 5 6 me – cake 7 8 The best arrangement of the jumbled words is ________. A. 4–7–2–3–5–6–8–1 B. 4–7–2–6–1–3–5–8 C. 4–7–2–6–5–8–1–3 D. 4–7–2–6–8–1–3–5 Read the text and answer questions 17 to 20. Rujak (Spicy Tamarind and Fruit Salad) Ingredients: Dressing:  1–2 red chilies, trimmed  3 tablespoons tamarind pulp  4 tablespoons palm sugar syrup  7 teaspoons lime juice (optional)  salt Fruit salad:  ¼ pineapple, peeled  1 pear  1 apple  2 cucumbers Methods: 1. In a mortar, grind the chilies and salt. 2. Mix the tamarind pulp. 3. Add palm sugar syrup and the lime juice, if you like. 4. Check flavors. It is important to achieve a balance of sweet, sour, salty and spicy. 5. Chop the fruit into bite size pieces and mix well with the dressing. Source: February 12, 2010 http://morselsand 17. The following are what you need to make the fruit salad, except ________. A. lime juice B. apples C. pineapples D. cucumbers 18. What do you grind in a mortar? A. Chilies and tamarind pulp. B. Tamarind pulp and salt. C. Chilies and salt. D. Palm sugar syrup and chilies. 19. What should the dressing taste? A. Sweet and spicy. B. Sweet and salty. C. Sweet, sour and spicy. D. Sweet, sour, salty and spicy. 20. “It is important to achieve a balance of . . . .” (Step 4) The word ‘important’ has an opposite meaning to ________. A. useful B. useless C. impossible D. meaningful B. Write a procedure about how to operate something. Jawaban Review A A. Pilihan Ganda 1. D. Ibu menyuruh Farah membawa payung karena hari akan hujan. Farah menyatakan keraguannya karena tidak mendung. Kemudian, ibunya menjelaskan bahwa ramalan cuaca semalam menyatakan bahwa 70% kemungkinan hujan akan turun hari ini. Jadi, ibu yakin bahwa hari itu akan hujan karena ia mendengar ramalan cuaca tentang kemungkinan turun hujan. 2. D. Dalam percakapan tersebut, kalimat kedua Joan, ”Let’s go to the canteen.”, merupakan pengulangan kalimat pertama Joan, ”Sandra, let’s go to the canteen.”. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kalimat yang diucapkan Sandra merupakan ungkapan meminta pengulangan, yaitu ”Pardon?”. 3. B. Kalimat Maya tersebut artinya ”Ya. Lia memberi tahu saya tentang hal itu.”. Kalimat itu digunakan untuk menyatakan kepastian (showing certainty). 4. A. Rendra memberi tahu Gita bahwa Chintya sedang mencarinya. Rendra bertemu Chintya di depan ruang kelas Gita. Itu artinya Rendra dan Gita bukan teman sekelas (classmates), tetapi teman sekolah (schoolmates). 5. A. Restu memberi tahu ibunya bahwa ia terpilih sebagai ketua OSIS yang baru. Kepala sekolah telah mengumumkan hal itu. Percakapan tersebut terjadi antara ibu dan anak laki-lakinya. Jadi, percakapan tersebut terjadi di rumah. 6. D. Pengumuman tersebut tentang Mas and Mbak Competition. Kompetisi tersebut merupakan kontes kepribadian dan kecantikan (a personality and beauty contest). 7. C. Kata ’it’ dalam kalimat tersebut mengacu pada kata benda yang disebutkan sebelumnya, yaitu ’your photo’ dalam kalimat ”Give your best pose in your photo . . . .”. 8. C. Pernyataan yang tidak sesuai dengan isi teks adalah menyimpan buah-buahan dan sayuran dalam keadaan basah (keep fruits and vegetables moist). Itu tidak sesuai dengan tip pertama ”Keep your fruits and vegetables dry.”. Jadi, kita seharusnya menyimpan buah-buahan dan sayuran dalam keadaan kering, bukan basah. Pilihan jawaban yang lain sesuai dengan isi teks; (A) artinya membeli buah-buahan dan sayuran tidak melebihi yang diperlukan, (B) artinya menyim¬pan buah-buahan dan sayuran di lemari es, dan (D) artinya membeli buah-buahan dan sayuran di pasar-pasar petani. 9. B. Kita sebaiknya membeli buah-buahan dan sayuran di pasar para petani karena kita akan mendapatkan buah-buahan dan sayuran yang segar. Jawaban tersebut diketahui dari kalimat ”When you shop at a farmer’s market, you will almost always be getting fruits and vegetables that have been picked fresh . . . .”. 10. A. Keseluruhan teks tersebut membahas tentang cara membersihkan layar LCD (how to clean an LCD screen). Hal itu diketahui dari bahan yang dibutuhkan, yaitu a computer liquid crystal screen cleaning set, serta kalimat ”Spray on the LCD screen surface directly.” dan ”Clean the LCD screen surface.”. 11. D. Langkah pertama dalam Directions berbunyi ”Shake up the detergent and put it 15–20 cm away from the LCD screen.”. Jadi, hal pertama yang harus dilakukan terhadap deterjen adalah mengocok deterjen tersebut (shake the detergent up). 12. C. Cara menyemprotkan deterjen ada dua macam, yaitu ”Spray on the LCD screen surface directly.” serta ”Spray the detergent on the fabric cleanser.”. Jadi, sebelum membersihkan permukaan layar, kita menyemprotkan deterjen secara langsung pada permukaan layar atau pada kain pembersih (fabric cleanser). 13. A. Kata ’gently’ dan ’carefully’ memiliki arti yang sama, yaitu dengan hati-hati. Pilihan jawaban (B) artinya dengan keras, (C) artinya secara langsung, dan (D) artinya dengan bersih. 14. B. Kalimat tersebut artinya ”Shinta, telepon genggam mana yang ingin kamu beli? Telepon genggam warna hitam . . . warna merah?”. Kata penghubung yang tepat untuk kalimat tersebut adalah or (atau) karena menunjukkan pilihan. 15. A. Kalimat Lisa tersebut menggunakan conditional clause type 1. Kalimat yang mengikuti seharusnya meng¬gunakan kata will. Jadi, kalimat yang tepat untuk melengkapi adalah (A) I will buy a visual dictionary. Pilihan jawaban (B) merupakan conditional clause type 2 dan (C) merupakan conditional clause type 3. 16. C. Susunan kata yang tepat adalah 4–7–2–6–5–8–1–3, yaitu membentuk kalimat ”Let me make a birthday cake for you”, yang artinya ”Izinkan saya membuat kue ulang tahun untukmu”. 17. A. Bagian ingredients menjelaskan bahan-bahan yang diperlukan untuk bumbu-bumbu isian (dressing) maupun salad buahnya (fruit salad). Untuk salad buah, kita memerlukan nanas (pineapples), pir (pears), apel (apples), dan mentimun (cucumbers). Jadi, bahan yang tidak termasuk dalam fruit salad adalah air jeruk lemon (lemon juice). Air jeruk lemon termasuk dalam bahan isian (dressing). 18. C. Jawaban disimpulkan dari kalimat pada langkah pertama ”In a mortar, grind the chili and salt.”. Jadi, kita menghaluskan cabai (chilies) dan garam (salt) di dalam lumpang (in the mortar).

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