Minggu, 06 Januari 2013

CAKUPAN METERI BAHASA INGGRIS KELAS 7 / SMESTER 1 TEMA : PEMILIHAN TEMA MENGACU PADA LINGKUNGAN TERDEKAT 1. Teks transaksional interpersonal. a. menyapa yang belum/ sudah dikenal. b. Memperkenalkan diri sendiri/orang lain c. Memerintah atau melarang d. Meminta dan memberi informasi e. Mengucapkan terima kasih f. Meminta maaf g. Mengungkapkan kesantunan A : Good morning/How are you? B : Fine, thanks. Nice to meet you. - hello, I’m Nina. - This is Reny. - Don’t do that - Stop it. A : Where’s the book? B : It’s there. A : Thank you. B : You’re welcome. A : I’m sorry. B : It’s Okay. - Please 2. Teks Fungsional pendek. a. berbagai instruksi b. menyebut daftar benda c. ucapan selamat d. pengumuman. CAKUPAN METERI BAHASA INGGRIS KELAS 7 / SMESTER 2 1. Teks transaksional interpersonal. a. Meminta dan memberi jasa b. Meminta dan memberi barang c. Meminta dan memberi fakta d. Meminta dan memberi pendapat e. Menyatakan suka dan tidak suka f. Meminta klarifikasi g. Merespon secara interpersonal A : Pass me the pencil, please. B : Sure, Here you are. A : Give me a piece of paper, please. B : Sure. Here you are. A : did you come here yesterday? B : I did. No, I didn’t A : What do you think of this? B : Not bad. - I like tea. - I don’t like coffee. A : Are you sure? B : Yes. I am - Are you? / Aren’t you? - do you? 2. Teks Fungsional pendek. a. berbagai instruksi b. menyebut daftar benda c. ucapan selamat d. pengumuman. 3. Teks Essay a. Descriptive b. Procedure CAKUPAN METERI BAHASA INGGRIS KELAS 8 / SMESTER 1 TEMA : PEMILIHAN TEMA MENGACU PADA LINGKUNGAN SEKITAR 1. Teks transaksional interpersonal. a. Meminta, memberi, menolak jasa b. Meminta, memberi, menolak barang. c. Mengakui, mengingkari fakta. d. Meminta dan memberi pendapat e. Mengundang, menerima dan menolak ajakan. f. Menyetujui / tidak menyetujui g. Memuji h. Memberi selamat. A : Let me help you. B : Thank you so much. A : Can I have a bit? B : Sure. Here you are. - Yes. I did that. - -No. It wasn’t me A : What do you think of this? B : Not bad. A : Would you come to my party? B : Thanks for the support A : No way. B : It’s Ok. I understand. A : You have beautiful hari. B : Thank you. A : Happy birthday. B : Thank you. 2. Teks Fungsional pendek. a. berbagai instruksi b. menyebut daftar benda c. ucapan selamat d. pengumuman. e. pesan singkat. 3. Teks Essay a. Descriptive b. Recount CAKUPAN METERI BAHASA INGGRIS KELAS 8 / SMESTER 2 1. Teks transaksional interpersonal. a. Meminta dan memberi jasa b. Meminta dan memberi barang c. Meminta, memberi dan mengingkari informasi. d. Meminta, memberi dan menolak pendapat e. Menawarkan / menerima / menolak sesuatu f. Meminta, memberi persetujuan g. Merespon pernyataan h. Memberi perhatian terhadap pembicara i. Mengawali, memperpanjang, dan menutup percakapan j. Mengawali, memperpanjang, dan menutup percakapan telepon. A : Do you mind lending me some money? B : No problem / I want to but …. A : Can I have a bit? B : Sure. Here you are.. A : Do you like it? Have you done it? B : Yes, I do. / Sorry, I haven’t. A : Do you think it is good? B : I think so./ Sorry, I can’t say anything. A : Would you like some…? B : Yes, please / No, thanks. A : What if we do it again? B : Fine with me. - Do you have to….? - Right …. I see… Hmmmm… Yeah… - Hello, excuse me … - Did you? Were you? - Thanks / Bye …/ See you. - Could I speak to … please? - Well, I’m calling to … - Nice talking to you. 2. Teks Fungsional pendek. a. undangan. b. Pesan singkat c. Pengumuman, d. Notices 3. Teks Essay e. Recount f. Narrative CAKUPAN METERI BAHASA INGGRIS KELAS 9 / SMESTER 1 TEMA : PEMILIHAN TEMA MENGACU PADA KEHIDUPAN SEHARI-HARI 1. Teks transaksional interpersonal. a. meminta dan memberi kepastian c. mengungkapkan dan menanggapi keraguan. d. Meminta pengulangan e. Menunjukkan perhatian f. Menyatakan kekaguman. A : Are you sure? B : I am. It is confirmed. A : Well, … I’m not sure. B : Don’t worry. - I beg your pardon? - Pardon. A : I’ve got hot news. B : Tell me more about it. A : What a beautiful day.. B : It is. Shall we go to the beach? 2. Teks Fungsional pendek. a. pesan singkat b. iklan c. pengumuman. d. surat pribadi e. brosur 4. Teks Essay a. procedure b. report CAKUPAN METERI BAHASA INGGRIS KELAS 9 / SMESTER 2 1. Teks transaksional interpersonal. a. Mengungkapkan kesantunan b. Memberi berita yang menarik perhatian c. Memberi komentar terhadap berita. A : Could you please….? B : With pleasure. A : Guess what! I’ve got hot news. B : Please tell me / What is it? A : I got 10 for the English test. B : Really? That’s fantastic. 2. Teks Fungsional pendek. a. Surat pribadi b. iklan c. pengumuman d. brosur. 3. Teks Essay c. Narrative d. Report KOMPETENSI KOMUNIKATIF KOMPETENSI TATABAHASA 1. Meeting and Greetings 2. Leave Takings 3. Introduction 4. Gratitude and appreciation 5. Invitation 6. Asking for & Giving Permission 7. Agreement and Disagreement 8. Expressing Surprise 9. Praising and Congratulating 10. Likes and Dislikes 11. Asking to do Something 12. Apology 13. Sympathy 14. Certainty 15. Offering & Refusing Something 16. Possibility 17. Asking for Direction 18. Asking for & Giving Advice 19. Asking for & Giving Information 20. Hope and Expectation 21. Capability 22. Asking for Repetition 23. Initiating a Conversation 24. Expressing a Denial 25. Asking for and Giving Opinions 26. Describing Things 1. Nouns 2. Pronouns 3. Articles 4. Adjectives and Adverbs 5. Tenses 6. Commands & Requests 7. Modals 8. Subject-verb Agreement 9. Question Words 10. Question Tags 11. Elliptical Constructions 12. Conjunction & Corelative Conjunctions 13. Conditional Sentences 14. Comparison 15. Preference 16. Linking Verbs 17. Adjective Clauses 18. Impersonal ‘it’ 19. Exclamations 20. Numbers and modifiers 21. Prepositions 22. Preposition Collocations 23. Complements after Adjectives 24. Noun Clauses 25. Too, enough, rather, quite DAFTAR TEMA (KURIKULUM LAMA) KELAS VII KELAS VIII KELAS IX 1. Self Identity 2. School life 3. Family life 4. Profession 5. Hobbies 6. Things around us 7. Shopping 1. Sport equipment & sportman 2. Health & medicine 3. Dressmaking 4. Recreation 5. Rural life 6. Transportation 7. Public services 8. Place of worship 9. Cattle & pets 10. Geography (Indonesia) 11. Our nature 1. Electronic media 2. Technology 3. Accomodation 4. Travelling 5. Traditional hause/stories/ceremonies 6. Transport 7. Prentied media 8. Sport (olympic games) 9. Flora and Fauna 10. Conservation 11. Geography

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